Saturday, January 26, 2008


Hey all -

As you probably figured out from the subject line, 52 Irving has a major announcement regarding poker at Unit 24.

Over the last 8 months since we have moved in at 52 Irving, we have hosted a number of poker nights that most of you have attended and hopefully had fun at! There has been some discussion and clamoring for some sort of standings and/or league to be put together. Well Friday night, you all were invited to play at our 1st 2008 event (unless you were scheduled to work of course!) and it went very well. Through discussion we came up with 2008 52 Irving Poker League with the following rules.

How it works is that each time there is a tournament played at 52 Irving you will earn points or "hits" towards your "Poker Batting Average". Your Poker Batting Average will determine how many chips you will receive at the 52 Irving Year-End Poker Bonanza. Obviously you are asking yourself 2 questions right now:

1) How exactly does the point system work?

2) How exactly will the the 52 Irving Year-End Poker Bonanza work (prizes, chip counts, etc.?)

OK let me answer Question #1
With the point system, each time there is a tournament, the amount of points or hits are determined by the number of players in the tournament. For example, Friday night we had 6 players entered. The 1st person eliminated gets 1 point. The 2nd person eliminated gets 2 points, 3rd eliminated 3 points and so on until the person to win the 6 person tourney gets 6 points. You get an extra point if you cash (i.e. in a 6-person tourney 1st and 2nd pay out) and you get an additional point if you win the tourney.

So the points from last night went like this:
6th place - Jason Mccallum - 1 point

5th place - Matt Ketaineck - 2 points

4th place - Vince Masi - 3 points

3rd place - Brett Edgerton - 4 points

2nd place - Ryan McCrystal - 6 points (5 points for 2nd, 1 bonus for cashing)

1st place - Dennis "Clutch" Renno - 8 points (6 points for 1st, 1 bonus for cashing, 1 bonus for winning)

Now you are probably thinking, shit, I can't make it to every tournament, all those bastards that live there or play all the time will rack up all sorts of points. In order to be fair and to get a better idea of people's performances, we created a "Poker Batting Average".

It works like this:
You get "at-bats" based on the number of people entered in the tournament. So for instance, each of the 6 people entered in last night's tournament, each received 6 at-bats. Their "hits" are determined by the number of points you receive. With that said, here are the batting averages for each of the 6 people who played last night:

Dennis Renno - 1.333 (8/6)

Ryan McCrystal - 1.000 (6/6)

Brett Edgerton - .667(4/6)

Vince Masi - .500 (3/6)

Matt Ketaineck - .333 (2/6)

Jason McCallum - .167 (1/6)

I feel confident that I have explained this fairly well, but if you don't understant, just go see HR and turn in your badge as you don't deserve to work at ESPN…

OK now to answer the question about the 52 Irving Year-End Poker Bonanza.
Prior to the start of each tournament, each person entering will pay the normal $20 plus a $2 Bonanza feel that will go into the Bonanza pot and will be saved for that tournament. To qualify for the 52 Irving Year-End Poker Bonanza, you will need to a minimum of 50 at-bats. This way, somebody doesn't just try to accumulate a high Poker Batting Average and then wait for the Bonanza.

As each tournament happens throughout the year, you will get an update on all the Poker Batting Averages. If you qualify for the Bonanza, your Poker Batting Average will determine the number of chips that you receive. For instance if the Bonanza was tomorrow, Clutch would have 1333 chips to start and JMAC would have 167. If you qualify for the bonanza, you can enter the Bonanza by paying a normal tournament entry fee of $20. That way with the entry fees plus the $2 bonanza fees collected throughout the year will have us a pretty nice pot.

If 8 or less people play in the 52 Irving Year-End Poker Bonanza, the prize payout will go:

1st place - 80%

2nd place - 20%

If there's 9 or more, the prize payout will go:

1st place - 75%

2nd place - 15%

3rd place - 10%

Lot of information to process but I think you all can figure it out…

Other thoughts to chew on:

1) Our hope is to host at least 2 tournaments a month…

2) In thinking outside the box, we may try to host tournaments at various times throughout the day to try to accommodate various schedules…

3) The minimum to host a tournament is 5...

4) We may have more than 1 tournament in a sitting…

5) Embrace this, it should be fun…

6) After each tournament, you will get a standings update that will look like this:

52 Irving Poker LeagueCurrent Poker Batting Averages Thru 1/25

1) Dennis "Clutch" Renno 1.333 8/6

2) Ryan McCrystal 1.000 6/6

3) Brett Edgerton .667 4/6

4) Vince Masi .500 3/6

5) Matt Ketaineck .333 2/6

6) Jason McCallum .167 1/6

The next poker tournament will happen Thursday, Jan. 31st sometime between 8-8:30pm. Please let me know if you can make it.!!



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